
AFMC is the academic partnership of Canada’s faculties of medicine. Through our collective leadership and advocacy, we will achieve excellence in education, research and care for the health of all Canadians.

Founded in 1943, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) represents Canada’s 18 faculties of medicine and is the voice of academic medicine in Canada. A registered charity, AFMC supports the work of its member faculties to provide world class medical education, research and clinical care while at the same time advancing social accountability priorities. AFMC strives to keep these issues high on the federal government’s agenda and ensure that Canada’s faculties of medicine serve as important resources to decision-makers in this country.

Faculties of Medicine
graduates per year
undergraduate medical students
residents and fellows
full and part-time employees
of biomedical and health care research annually
$ bil
January 1, 1943
February 2, 1943
January 1, 1950
January 1, 1950
January 1, 1950
October 13, 1950
January 1, 1962
January 1, 1962
January 1, 1964
July 1, 1964
January 1, 1965
January 1, 1967
January 1, 1975
January 1, 1979
August 1, 1982
August 1, 1983
January 1, 1984
January 1, 1985
January 1, 1986
January 1, 1986
January 1, 1988
October 1, 1988
January 1, 1989
January 1, 1989
January 1, 1990
January 1, 1992
January 1, 1993
January 1, 1994
January 1, 1994
January 1, 1995
January 1, 1995
January 1, 1996
January 1, 1997
January 1, 1998
January 1, 1999
January 1, 2001
April 27, 2002
January 1, 2003
January 1, 2003
April 1, 2004
January 1, 2005
January 1, 2005
January 1, 2005
January 1, 2005
April 30, 2005
May 1, 2005
April 1, 2006
January 1, 2007
March 1, 2007
September 1, 2007
September 1, 2007
September 1, 2007
September 10, 2007
January 1, 2008
April 1, 2008
May 3, 2008
January 1, 2009
January 1, 2009
April 1, 2009
April 1, 2009
April 1, 2009
May 2, 2009
January 1, 2010
January 28, 2010
February 1, 2010
April 1, 2010
May 1, 2010
May 1, 2010
January 1, 2011
January 11, 2011
June 1, 2011
October 1, 2011
October 27, 2011
November 1, 2011
January 1, 2012
February 3, 2012
April 29, 2012
June 1, 2012
August 8, 2012
October 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
January 1, 2013
April 18, 2013
April 20, 2013
June 3, 2013
September 1, 2013
October 17, 2013
April 25, 2014
April 25, 2015
January 1, 2018
AFMC Began
  • Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine - Halifax, NS
  • Université Laval, Faculté de médecine - Quebec City, QC
  • Université de Montréal, Faculté de médecine - Montreal, QC
  • McGill University, Faculty of Medicine - Montreal, QC
  • Queen's University at Kingston, School of Medicine - Kingston, ON
  • University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine - Toronto, ON
  • Western University, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry - London, ON
  • University of Manitoba, Faculty of Medicine - Winnipeg, MB
  • University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine - Saskatoon, SK
  • University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Edmonton, AB
  • University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine - Vancouver, BC
  • Université de Sherbrooke, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé - Sherbrooke, QC
Annual Meeting Attendance Picks Up Steam

Following incorporation in 1961, the association established a program of national statistical studies in medical education.
Letters Patent of Incorporation were approved by the Registrar General of Canada in 1961, in which they were simply and inclusively defined as "To promote the advancement of medical education."
ACMC Incorporation
LCME is Original Accreditation body for Canadian Medical Schools
Old image of middle aged white man pointing at physician supply statistics on poster
Dr. J. Wendell Macleod - AFMC Executive Secretary (1962-1970)

Black and white photo of man in suit
Dr. J.F. McCreary, President of the AFMC Board of Directors (1964-1967)

Photo from the 1960s of men around boardroom table
Health Workforce Planning

  • McMaster University, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine - Hamilton, ON
  • University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine - Calgary, AB
  • Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine - St. John's, NL
Executive Director - Dr. Douglas Waugh
CACMS - Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools comes into formal existence In 1979, the first Canadian Medical Education Statistics Report was published.

Annual Meeting - ACMC and ACTH Branch off to host Annual Meeting together
Dr. Gilles Hurteau
Executive Director - Dr. de Guise Vaillancourt
Dr. J. Rochon
16 men in suits posed standing on stairs

1986 logo of blue maple leaf with book and medical snake around staff
Branding AFMC launches new logo
Dr. W. Webber
Dr. R. L. Cruess

In 1988, six medical organizations and the federal government created CAPER.
Annual Meeting Attendance Picks Up Steam
In 1989, CAPER published the first Annual Census of Post-M.D. Trainees, a comprehensive picture of the numbers and types of physicians in training.
Man with white hair and glasses in dark grey suit.
Dr. Harvey Barkun, AFMC Executive Director (1989-1995)

Dr. Mamoru Watanabe
Dr. Jock Murray
Dr. Serge Carrière
Dr. John Seely
Annual Meeting - Inaugural J. Wendell MacLeod Lecture
Man with white hair and mustache in navy suit and patterned tie
Dr. David Hawkins Executive Director (1995-2005)

Black and white photo of group of men and women
AFMC and Partners

Dr. Eldon Smith
Dr. Arnold Aberman
Dr. Lorne Tyrell

The CMAJ published the “Class of 1989” study.
Dr. Lorne Tyrell
Dr. John Cairns
Annual Meeting - Last year with ACAHO - Formerly ACTH

Social Accountability
A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools” document created by AFMC & Health Canada
  • Laurentian University I Lakehead University Northern Ontario School of Medicine - Sudbury, ON
Man in navy pinstripe suit with glasses and white beard
Dr. Abraham Fuks (2003-2004)

Social Accountability
Partner's Forum Initiative
ACMC becomes AFMC
Man in glasses with brown and grey hair and goatee in black suit and blue shirt
AFMC President & CEO - Dr. Nick Busing

Launched in 2005 by AFMC and CAPER, the National IMG Database brings 37 data providers together to track the flow of IMGs in Canada.
Photo of woman with short dark brown hair and black dress and jacket
Dr. Carol Hervert, President of the AFMC Board of Directors (2005-2006)

Med Ed Conference - Current partnership with AFMC, CAME, CFPC, MCC, RCPSC is created to host the Medical Education Conference.
Public Health
Recommendations to the Council of Deans
Public Health
Enhancing the Health of the Population: The Role of Canadian Faculties of Medicine
Dr. Gavin Stuart
Indigenous Health
Best Practices to Recruit Mature Aboriginal Students to Medicine
Indigenous Health
IPAC-AFMC Pre-Admissions Support Toolkit for First Nations, Inuit, Métis Students into Medicine
AFMC Publications
AIPHE is formed - Phase 1
AFMC Launches New Corporate Logo

National IMG Database Report
In 2008, the first edition of the National IMG Database Report was published.

In 2008, AFMC and CAPER roll out new products bringing data to current health care issues.
Canadian Health Care Education Commons Initiative
The Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME) is born
Study of Clinical Teachers in Canadian Faculties of Medicine
Dr. Harold Cook
CHEC-CESC Virtual Patient Challenge
Public Health
An Environmental Scan of Best Practices in Public Health Undergraduate Medical Education
Indigenous Health
IPAC-AFMC First Nations, Inuit, Métis Health Core Competencies Framework for UGME

IPAC: IPAC AFMC FN/I/M Health Core Competencies video
Five petals in shades or red blue and grey forming a abstract petal
CCME launches new logo

Dr. James Rourke
The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada releases transformative report on medical education in Canada
Addictions e-learning Environmental Scan
Indigenous Health
IPAC-AFMC First Nations, Inuit & Métis Health Curriculum Implementation Toolkit

IPAC-AFMC First Nations, Inuit & Métis Health Critical Reflection Tool
Canadian Health Care Education Commons Initiative
AIPHE - Implementation Phase 2
Canadian Collaborative for Clinical Teachers

AFMC - Infoway Physician in Training e-Health Curriculum & e-Learning
Public Health
Primer on Population Health
e-Learning Resources on Addiction for Undergraduate Medical Education in Canada
CHEC-CESC Virtual Patient Challenge
National Consultation Meeting on Visiting Electives
AFMC-Infoway, e-Health Award
In 2012, CAPER takes new steps to get more out the CAPER Database.
National Forum on Clinical Teaching
Ten recommendations for postgraduate medical education released in the ground-breaking Future of Medical Education in Canada project report.
Consortium partners commitment for FMEC PG implementation
AFMC releases The Future of Medical Education in Canada postgraduate project public report.
Podcast Series on Addiction for UME
AFMC Student Portal – Partnership with U of T

Recommendations to enhance e-health training in medical curriculum
AFMC data dates back to 1940, when 25 (4%) of MD grads were women. Fast forward to 2013 when 1,518 (58%) of all MD grads were women!
Funding for implementation project
Attendance Surpasses 1500 delegates!
Woman sitting at table with grey hair and black jacket with white lapels
Dr. Genevieve Moineau AFMC President & CEO (2013-present)

Public Health
Students/Residents in Healthcare: AFMC Public Health Learning Tools Challenge
AFMC procures software development contract for The AFMC Student Portal
Conjoint Conference with the Ottawa Conference
“Social Accountability: A Vision for Canadian Medical Schools” document created by AFMC & Health Canada
AFMC logo with silver 75
Celebrates 75 Years of Legacy

Scroll through our History!

Our Vision

Through our collective leadership and advocacy, we achieve excellence in education, research, and social accountability for the health of all Canadians.

Our Mission

We collaboratively lead and deliver a highly responsive system of medical education and research aligned with the health needs of all Canadians driven by the highest standards of quality, excellence, and social accountability.

Our Strategic Plan

AFMC consulted with the academic medicine community, our committees, networks and working groups to build our 2024-2027 strategic plan. We look forward to advancing this new strategic plan and engaging our entire academic medicine community.

Our Values

Our values guide and define how we approach our work.

Statement Against Discrimination

As the voice of academic medicine in Canada, we, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, stand against racial discrimination as well as all other forms of discrimination. The AFMC is committed to working with health partners to ensure that our environments are diverse, inclusive, culturally safe and foster equity. We will implement institutional change and lead in addressing systemic racism through education and curricular innovation, research and advocacy for equity, diversity and inclusiveness.

80 Years of AFMC in Action

The legacy of AFMC is built on the commitment of our faculties of medicine to serving the needs of Canadians, to leading innovation in medical education and health research.

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The AFMC Board of Directors

AFMC is governed by the Board of Directors, comprised of the Deans of the 18 Faculties of Medicine and up to 4 public members.

Board Members

Headshot of Peter Nickerson

Peter Nickerson

Vice-Provost (Health Sciences) and Distinguished Professor, Dean, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba

Chair of the AFMC Board of Directors

Headshot of Todd Anderson

Todd Anderson

Dean, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary

AFMC Board Chair Elect

Headshot of Julien Poitras

Julien Poitras

Dean, Faculté de médecine, Université Laval

Headshot of Dominique Dorion

Dominique Dorion

Dean, Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke

Headshot of Patrick Cossette

Patrick Cossette

Dean, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal

Lesley Fellows

Vice-Principal (Health Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University

Headshot of Bernard Jasmin

Bernard Jasmin

Dean and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa

Stephen Vanner

Interim Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University
Headshot of John Yoo

John Yoo

Dean, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University

Headshot of Paul O'Byrne

Paul O’Byrne

Dean & Vice-President, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University


Lisa Robinson

Dean, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Michael E. Green

President, Vice-Chancellor, Dean and CEO, NOSM University

Dolores McKeen

Interim Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

Sarah Forgie

Dean, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan

Headshot of Brenda Hemmelgarn

Brenda Hemmelgarn

Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta

Headshot of David Anderson

David Anderson

Dean of Medicine, Dalhousie University

Headshot of Dermot Kelleher

Dermot Kelleher

Professor, Department of Medicine, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Vice-President, Health, University of British Columbia

Teresa Chan

Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice-President, Medical Affairs

Toronto Metropolitan University

Public Board Members

Headshot of Anne McFarlane

Anne McFarlane

Anne McFarlane is a retired civil servant and former Vice-President with the Canadian Institute for Health Information. She sits on the Boards of the Vancouver Island Health Authority and Canadian Blood Services. Anne has previously been a Board Member of Providence Healthcare in Vancouver and the Michael Smith Foundation.

Headshot of Brent Norton

Brent Norton

Brent Norton is an accomplished business leader with experience across several successful enterprises which have achieved significant product sales, returns for investors and positively impacted hundreds of thousands of lives. He has been an active member of several boards of directors and an active volunteer.

Headshot of Kaylynn Purdy

Kaylynn Purdy

Kaylynn Purdy completed their medical education at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University, adult neurology residency at the University of Alberta, a master’s in health policy from Stanford University and is a current critical care medicine resident at the University of Calgary. They are formerly a member of a the CFMS board, CaRMS board, Professional Association of Residents of Alberta board and a current member of the Canadian Medical Association board.

Foluke Laosebikan

Foluke Laosebikan is a Solicitor from Melfort, Saskatchewan, where she founded her own legal practice, FLK Law Firm. She was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1995 and to the Saskatchewan Bar in 2011. Originally from Nigeria, she immigrated to Canada in 2004. Since then, she has been a dedicated volunteer, sitting on the board of directors of Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan for several years and on the Board of the Law Society of Saskatchewan where she has served as a Bencher since 2017 and has participated in and chaired various committees.

AFMC By-Laws

18 Faculties of Medicine

The AFMC Committees and Networks provide guidance in all facets of academic medicine. They bring together representatives from across all faculties of medicine and provide national guidance on a wide range of topics.