AFMC Student Questionnaires: Surveys are live and results are in!

Faculty Learners
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The AFMC Student Questionnaires are a series of surveys created by our Canadian Medical Education leaders given to MD students at the most appropriate times during their MD journey. Students are asked about their experiences at the start of medical school with the MD Entry Survey, halfway through with the PreClerkship Survey and at the end with the Graduation Questionnaire.  The information collected about the student experience is aggregated for privacy and provided to the faculties to improve their programs.  Student opinions matter and their feedback is crucial to effect change. We are very appreciative of the time taken by students to complete these surveys.

The MD Entry Survey and PreClerkship Surveys are now live. Students should have received an email from AFMC with a link to complete the survey. Students have until Oct 24th to complete the surveys.

The 2022 Graduation Questionnaire Reports are now available. The findings from this year’s survey reveal the positive work of the faculties in raising awareness of school policies around mistreatment. For the first time, 100% of respondents indicated being aware of their school’s policy regarding the mistreatment of medical students and that they knew the procedure at their school to report such mistreatment. This is a great improvement over the previous two years, where only 85% of students reported knowing the procedure at their school to report mistreatment.

The last couple of years have been fraught with challenges and changes to medical education because of the pandemic. We are pleased to report that almost all students (94.5%) agreed/strongly agreed that they are confident that they have developed the clinical skills required to begin a residency program. Furthermore, in Family Medicine, 94.6% of students agreed/strongly agreed that they had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete their encounter log. This is an increase from 93.3% in 2021.

There has been a slight decrease in feeling well trained and prepared to deliver culturally competent care over previous years. Most students (83%) agreed or strongly agreed that they were appropriately trained to care for individuals from diverse backgrounds and felt prepared to provide culturally competent care.  This may be due to more awareness of what culturally competent means and the impact it can have on practice.

When it comes to Career Planning, for the last few years, students have reported that they want more information about the changing workforce environment. This has been more prevalent over the pandemic period. 

The median amount of debt that has been accumulated directly to this graduating class’s medical studies is $90,000. At the top end of this scale, 12% of students reported having more than $200,000 in debt.

Read the full Graduation Questionnaire. (Coming soon!)

AFMC’s Data and Information Services team is responsible for the distribution and collection of annual surveys. Information collected as part of these confidential surveys can be used to respond to learner concerns and improve the admissions, onboarding, education, and clinical programs at faculties of medicine.

Have questions? Reach out to the AFMC’s Data and Information Services team at