AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis new curriculum to be launched in 2023

Faculty Learners
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With Health Canada’s support, AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis Project successfully developed and released the Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) curriculum in January 2021. The national, bilingual, comprehensive, and competency based UGME curriculum is composed of 10 online modules to help close gaps prevalent in current medical education offerings. 

After conducting an annual update of the UGME content, the renewed and free curriculum was re-distributed to all 17 Canadian medical schools across Canada for its incorporation into their present curriculum. The AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis Project Team is actively seeking feedback from curriculum leaders to better understand the implementation process at each educational institution.  

Since its implementation last year, UGME has garnered over 1400 registrants. It is now available on an updated and user-friendly Brightspace Learning Management System provided through Queen’s University. The UGME modules are also available to and accessible by other interested health care professionals to better understand pain management and substance use disorder.

Access the updated UGME curriculum

AFMC Response to Opioid Crisis Project is currently finalizing the development of a Post-Graduate Medical Education (PGME) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) curriculum, as well as a module specifically for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). The PGME and CPD curriculum, along with a Self-Assessment Tool to help physicians identify gaps in knowledge, was recently piloted by 93 residents and practicing physicians. The valuable feedback received from the pilot participants is currently being reviewed and will be integrated into the modules to strengthen the curriculum. 

The PGME and CPD module will launch in March 2023.