
AFMC manages the national repository of information on faculties of medicine across Canada. With this data, AFMC is the source of information regarding the training of physicians in Canada. We are in a unique position to assist provincial and federal governments in providing recommended solutions to address the current shortages facing the physician workforce in Canada.

Over 40 years of data holdings on medical education

With over 40 years of data holdings on medical education, AFMC provides expertise in the analysis and interpretation of data through longitudinal studies and trend analysis.


Data is collected across the continuum of medical education from medical school aspirants to postgraduate trainees. In addition, AFMC’s Data and Information Services team is responsible for the distribution and collection of annual surveys.


If you have questions, please reach out to the AFMC’s Data and Information Services team at

Search by Pathway to Practice

AFMC Student Questionnaires (ASQ)
The AFMC Student Questionnaires (ASQ) is a three-part series of surveys assessing the learner’s journey throughout their medical education. The data obtained through the MD Entry survey, Pre-Clerkship survey and Graduation Questionnaire lead to the Cohort Report.
CAPER is the central repository for statistical information on postgraduate medical education in Canada.
AFMC Student Portal Data on Visiting Electives
The AFMC Student Portal Data on Visiting Electives national report includes data on visiting electives, clerkship rotations detailed by specialty and location.
AFMC Admission Requirements of Canadian Faculties of Medicine
The AFMC Admissions Requirements Guide contains detailed information on the application process for every Faculty of Medicine in Canada, including the number of available seats, application timelines and dates, application requirements and fees and much more.
The AFMC Graduates Study (MD Programs)
The AFMC Survey of MD Graduates is an annual survey designed to collect information about the students who received the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at the 17 Canadian faculties of medicine.
AFMC Undergraduate Medical Education Enrolment (MD Program) Study
The AFMC Enrolment Survey is an annual survey designed to collect educational information about the students registered in Doctor of Medicine (MD) programs at the 17 Canadian faculties of medicine.
AFMC Applicants Study
The AFMC Applicant Study is an annual survey designed to collect demographic and educational information about the applicants who apply to Doctor of Medicine (MD) programs at the 17 Canadian faculties of medicine.
AFMC Faculties of Medicine Survey (AFMS)
The AFMC Faculty of Medicine Survey (AFMS) is a survey collecting statistical information about Canadian faculties of medicine on several topics including quotas for first year positions, faculty members by rank and discipline, clinical facilities, graduate students and degrees awarded by discipline, duration of clinical clerkships and stipend amounts, tuition and other fees, and post-M.D. trainee fees and remuneration.
AFMC Biomedical Research Revenue Study
The Biomedical and Health Care Revenues Survey is an annual survey that collects detailed information on investments in biomedical and health care research at the Canadian faculties of medicine that conduct research.

Data Privacy

AFMC is proud to be a trusted steward of information on the medical education system in Canada. The materials in this section of our website explain our responsibilities and demonstrate how our privacy program works to protect the information in our custody.

If you have questions or concerns about the AFMC privacy program, please contact the AFMC Privacy Officer:


AFMC Privacy Officer

150 Elgin Street, FLR 10 Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4


Phone: 613-730-0687

Fax: 613-730-1196

See the AFMC website at



Individuals may also direct complaints regarding the compliance of AFMC to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:


Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

30 Victoria St Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3

Toll Free: 1-800-282-1376

TDD/TTY: 819-994-5444

AFMC Fee Assistance Programs

AFMC offers two fee assistance programs to help students in financial need.

Future MD Canada

The Future MD Canada web tool is a comprehensive tool that features a Q&A, glossary, and references to provide factual responses to all of your questions related to admissions, costs and funding, earnings, residency and practice.

Admission Requirements

Every year the AFMC gathers information on Admission Requirements directly from the 17 Faculties of Medicine in Canada and publishes a free guide to help students navigate the application process.