ICAM Accreditation Symposium

Faculty Learners
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Accreditation, locally and globally, is experiencing profound changes. Medical school accreditation in Canada has been presented with a unique pivotal point since its separation in 2021 from the American accreditation body, the Liaison Committee in Medical Education (LCME), expected to be fully implemented by 2025. At an international level, the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) recognition program and its relationship to the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate (to be implemented by 2023) could change the dynamic of the global healthcare workforce. Given the critical role that Accreditation has in the quality of future healthcare force, it is paramount to discuss a potential research agenda that could inform accreditation changes and understand their potential impacts generating evidence that will help drive these processes moving forward. 

The ICAM Accreditation Symposium to be held April 15, 2023 in Quebec City will bring together scholars in accreditation and conference attendees with an interest in accreditation to further this dialogue. The morning session will be held from 10a.m. until 11:30a.m. EST and will focus on social accountability in accreditation with an international panel. The afternoon session will be held from 2:45p.m. until 4:15p.m. EST and will showcase scholarship in accreditation at local and global levels.

We are excited to welcome presenters including: Dr. Charles Boelen, Dr. Robert Woollard, Dr. Cynthia Whitehead, Dr. David Marsh, Dr. Erin Cameron, Dr. David Rojas, Dr. Sean Tackett and others.

We are hoping to see ICAM attendees with interest in accreditation locally and globally at this Accreditation Symposium.