The vision for ICAM was to bring together all those engaged in academic medicine, clinicians and scientists, learners to leaders, for an opportunity to meet, network, share ideas and learn from one another. Over 1,500 delegates joined us both in-person and virtually from over 40 countries. Over the course of 6 days, delegates shared ideas, heard thought-provoking presentations, and celebrated milestones and achievements.
ICAM delegates witnessed the outstanding research underway by research trainees, scientists and international leaders, and the Gairdner Laureates. International plenaries on One Health and the launch of the International Academic Health Institutions’ Declaration on Planetary Health considered the role Academic health institutions must play to pave a way for us to address the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on this planet. The plenary on Health Workforce Planning gave delegates a new understanding of global health workforce trends and their implications as well as the interconnectedness between workforce training and admissions in the health professions.
AFMC was proud that ICAM received Patient Included Status which means that we committed to incorporating the experience of patients as experts in living with their condition while ensuring that they are neither excluded nor exploited in all aspects of the congress.
ICAM succeeded at being a breeding ground for rich exchange of information and views. It succeeded in bringing to the forefront challenges faced by Canadian medical schools as well as the Canadian healthcare system. And it can only get better from here.
ICAM 2024 will be held in beautiful Vancouver from April 11 to 15, 2024. Stay tuned for the call for abstracts which will be released later in June.