Self-Assessment Tool has been created aimed at physicians to be able to identify which modules they should or need to take. This self-assessment tool helps you review your knowledge on a range of topics related to the use of opioids in practice.

What is the Self-Assessment Tool?


  • Online and free
  • multiple-choice assessment questions related to each module
  • Tells you whether you got the question right or wrong and WHY
  • Tracks and compiles achievement to make recommendations for which Opioid Response modules are the most relevant for you
  • Emails you the list of module recommendations
  • MAINPRO+ and Royal College credits available
  • It will take roughly 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

This tool takes up to 45 minutes to complete. Feedback is provided throughout. The tool uses de-identified aggregate data only, assuring you of confidentiality of your results. Your answers to the questions below enable the tool to direct you to available continuing education programs related to assessment, diagnosis and management of patients taking opioids.

To access the Self-Assessment Tool, visit: