
Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

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AP101ApplicantsApp_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint19992016
AP102ApplicantsDDT_IDUnique DDT identifier, also equates to the Master_ID in the DDT_Master table.int19992016
AP103ApplicantsREPORTYEARCalendar year in which the application to medical school was submitted, i.e. 2002 refers to the 2002/03 academic year.int19992016
AP104ApplicantsUniv_IDFaculty of medicine code where the application to medical school was submitted. ID references are located in the University table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP105ApplicantsResidence_IDApplicant's place of residence at time of application. ID references are located in the Residence table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP106ApplicantsLegalStatus_IDApplicant's legal status at time of application. ID references are located in the LegalStatus table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP107ApplicantsCitizCountry_IDApplicant's country of citizenship at the time of application. ID references are located in the CitzCountries_Unique view in the Standards database (CitizCountry_ID = CountryCode_GS).int19992016
AP108ApplicantsMaritalStatus_IDApplicant's marital status at the time of application. ID references are located in the MaritalStatus table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP109ApplicantsEduAtt_IDApplicant's highest level of educational attainment at the time of application. ID references are located in the Edu_Attainment table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP110ApplicantsPMInstitute_IDApplicant's previous or current place of study at the time of application. ID references are located in the Pre_Med_Institution table in the Standards database.int19992016
AP111ApplicantsMCAT_RequiredIndicates whether MCAT scores were required for application at the faculty of medicine reported in the record (1 = Yes, 3 = No). int19992016
AP112ApplicantsMCATDATEDate when the MCAT examination was completed for the scores reported: month first digit followed by two last year digits - August 2010 = 810. 9888 = no MCAT score to report.int19992016
AP113ApplicantsMCATVRMCAT Verbal resonning score.int19992016
AP114ApplicantsMCATPSMCAT Physical Sciences scoreint19992016
AP115ApplicantsMCATWSMCAT Writing Sample score.nvarchar19992016
AP116ApplicantsMCATBSMCAT biological sciences score.int19992016
AP117ApplicantsDurationDuration of M.D. program. Coding specificities are available in the APPLICANT STUDY MANUAL.int19992016
AP118ApplicantsLevelYear of Study for Which Admission Sought. Coding specificities are available in the APPLICANT STUDY MANUAL.int19992016
AP119ApplicantsRatingRating of applicant by faculty of medicine. Coding specificities are available in the APPLICANT STUDY MANUAL.int19992016
AP120ApplicantsActionMedical School's Action With Respect to This Application. Coding specificities are available in the APPLICANT STUDY MANUAL.int19992016
AP121ApplicantsResponseApplicant's Response. Coding specificities are available in the APPLICANT STUDY MANUAL.int19992016
AP122ApplicantsMCAT2015DateYear MCAT2015 taken.int19992016
AP123ApplicantsMCATBioScore on Biological and Biochemical foundations of living systems test.int19992016
AP124ApplicantsMCATChePhyScore on Chemical and Physical foundations of biological systems test.int19992016
AP125ApplicantsMCATPsySocScore on Psychological, Social and biological foundations of behavior test.int19992016
AP126ApplicantsMCATCritAnScore on Critical Analysis and reasoning skills test.int19992016
CF101Clinical FacilitiesClinFac_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint20122016
CF102Clinical FacilitiesReportYearValid Report Year in Format YYYYfloat20122016
CF103Clinical FacilitiesUniv_IDFK: Two-Digit Canadian FOM Code Assigned by AFMCfloat20122016
CF104Clinical FacilitiesClinicalFacilityClinical Facility identifies the clinical teaching facilities used by the faculty of medicine programs (listing hospital networks and health authorities by faculty with relevant postal code).nvarchar20122016
CF105Clinical FacilitiesPostalCodePostal code identifies the postal code of the clinical learning sites.nvarchar20122016
CF106Clinical FacilitiesClerkshipDisciplineClerkship Discipline(s) identifies the clerkship disciplines taught at the faculty including all Elective/Selective/Mandatory Rotations.nvarchar20122016
CF107Clinical FacilitiesNotesNotes data field does not apply to all records but may be used for background information.nvarchar20122016
EN101EnrolmentEnrol_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint20032016
EN102EnrolmentDDT_IDUnique DDT identifier, also equates to the Master_ID in the DDT_Master table.int20032016
EN103EnrolmentReportYearAcademic year in which the student is currently enrolled in UGME, i.e. 2002 refers to the 2002/03 academic year.int20032016
EN104EnrolmentUniv_IDFaculty of medicine code where the student is enrolled. ID references are located in the University table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN105EnrolmentDegree_IDType of medical degree code the student is completing (MD, MD/PhD etc). ID references are located in the Degree table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN106EnrolmentEnrolYr_IDUGME program year code in which the student is currently enrolled. ID references are located in the Enrol_Year table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN107EnrolmentStatus_IDEnrollment status code for the student completing an MD (first time, continuing, on leave etc). ID references are located in the Enrol_Year table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN108EnrolmentExpectedMDYrAcademic year in which the student is expected to complete his/her degree (not terribly accurate): i.e. 2002 refers to the 2002/03 academic year.int20032016
EN109EnrolmentLegalStatus_IDStudent's legal status code at time of application. ID references are located in the LegalStatus table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN110EnrolmentResidence_IDStudent's place of residence code at time of application. ID references are located in the Residence table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN111EnrolmentCountryCitiz_IDStudent's country of citizenship code at the time of application. ID references are located in the CitzCountries_Unique view in the Standards database (CitizCountry_ID = CountryCode_GS).int20032016
EN112EnrolmentQuota_IDUGME program quota type code in which the student is currently enrolled (regular quota, above-quota). ID references are located in the Quota table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN113EnrolmentCampus_IDFaculty of medicine campus specific code where the student is enrolled (main, regional etc). ID references are located in the Campus table in the Standards database.int20032016
EN114EnrolmentNotesAny additional notes pertaining to the enrolled student.nvarchar20032016
EN115EnrolmentMCAT_FACIndicator of whether MCAT scores were required of the enrolled students when they applied: 1 = Yes, 0 = No.int20032016
FA101Faculty DataFAC_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint20012016
FA102Faculty DataREPORTYEARValid Report Year in Format YYYYint20012016
FA103Faculty DataUniv_IDFK: Two-Digit Canadian FOM Code Assigned by AFMCint20012016
FA104Faculty DataEGI_IDFK: Four-Digit Discipline Code Assigned by AFMCint20012016
FA105Faculty DataGender_IDFK: 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Unknown, 4=Not Collected, 5=Not Reportedint20012016
FA106Faculty DataAge_CatAge Category: < 35, 35 - 44, 45 - 54, 55 - 65, > 65, Not Collected, Unknownnvarchar20012016
FA107Faculty DataPROFNumber of full-time professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
FA108Faculty DataASSOCNumber of full-time associate professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
FA109Faculty DataASSTNumber of full-time assistant professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
FA110Faculty DataINSTRNumber of full-time instructors professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
FA111Faculty DataPAIDNumber of part-time paid professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
FA112Faculty DataVOLNumber of part-time volunteer upaid professors submitted by FOMfloat20012016
GQ100Graduation QuestionnairefacultyPlease confirm the faculty at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ101Graduation QuestionnairedalhousiePlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ102Graduation QuestionnairemcmasterPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ103Graduation QuestionnairenosmPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ104Graduation QuestionnairemontrealPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ105Graduation QuestionnairesherbrookePlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ106Graduation QuestionnaireubcPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ107Graduation QuestionnaireottawaPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ108Graduation QuestionnairesaskatchewanPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ109Graduation QuestionnairetorontoPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ110Graduation QuestionnairewesternPlease confirm the campus/site at which you are registered by selecting it from the list below.int20162017
GQ111Graduation QuestionnaireageAge:int20152016
GQ112Graduation Questionnairegender2015: Gender: How do you self-identify? 2016: What is your current gender identity?bit20152016
GQ113Graduation Questionnairegender_other_txt2015: Gender: How do you self-identify? [Other, please specify...] [text] 2016: What is your current gender identity? [Different identity (please specify):] [text]nvarchar20152016
GQ114Graduation QuestionnairesexWhat sex were you assigned at birth, meaning on your original birth certificate?int20162016
GQ115Graduation QuestionnairelanguageWhich languages can you speak well enough to conduct a medical discussion? Select all that apply [English]bit20152016
GQ116Graduation Questionnairelanguage_other_txtWhich languages can you speak well enough to conduct a medical discussion? Select all that apply [Other (please specify):] [text]nvarchar20152016
GQ117Graduation Questionnairefirst_yearYear in which you first entered medical school (not including any preparatory or pre-medical year):int20152016
GQ118Graduation Questionnairedegree_type_2015Type of degree program from which you are graduating: Select all that apply [MD]bit20152015
GQ119Graduation Questionnairedegree_type_other_txtType of degree program from which you are graduating: Select all that apply [Other, please specify...] [text]nvarchar20152015
GQ120Graduation Questionnairedegree_type_2016Please select the type of degree program from which you are graduatingint20162016
GQ121Graduation Questionnaireconcentration2015: If you are graduating with a combined degree, please indicate the major area of concentration of your master's or doctoral degree: 2016: Please indicate the major area of concentration of your combined degree.int20152016
GQ122Graduation Questionnaireoverall_ratingPlease rate the quality of your medical education.int20152017
GQ123Graduation Questionnaireoverall_strongPlease comment on what you perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the medical school from which you are graduating. | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ124Graduation Questionnaireoverall_weakPlease comment on what you perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the medical school from which you are graduating. | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ125Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_behaviouralThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Behavioural/Social Sciencesint20152017
GQ126Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_biochemistryThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Biochemistryint20152017
GQ127Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_biostatisticsThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: |Biostatistics and epidemiologyint20152017
GQ128Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_geneticsThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Geneticsint20152017
GQ129Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_anatomyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Gross anatomyint20152017
GQ130Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_immunologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: |Immunologyint20152017
GQ131Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_microanatomyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Microanatomy /Histologyint20152017
GQ132Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_microbiologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Microbiologyint20152017
GQ133Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_nutritionThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Nutritionint20152017
GQ134Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_pathologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Pathologyint20152017
GQ135Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_pathophysiologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Pathophysiologyint20152017
GQ136Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_pharmacologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Pharmacologyint20152017
GQ137Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_physiologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: | Physiologyint20152017
GQ138Graduation Questionnairepreclinical_radiologyThe educational activities provided in my MD program in the following areas helped me better prepare for required clinical learning experiences and electives: |Radiology/Imagingint20152017
GQ139Graduation Questionnaireperception_strongAny comments you write below will be provided to your medical school verbatim. The verbatim responses will not be linked to your identity and will not be linked to GQ data other than your campus location. When providing comments, you should not provide self-identifying information unless it is your intention that your identity be known. Please provide your perceptions on your preparedness for clinical learning experiences (patient-based learning) in relation to your knowledge base, clinical skills, and professional behaviours.nvarchar20152016
GQ140Graduation Questionnaireperception_weakPlease provide your perceptions on areas where you could have been better prepared for clinical learning experiences (patient- based learning).nvarchar20152016
GQ141Graduation Questionnairelearning_structurePlease select the appropriate description of the structure of your clinical learning experience:int20152016
GQ142Graduation Questionnaireclinical_emergency2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Emergency Medicine 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Emergency Medicineint20152017
GQ143Graduation Questionnaireclinical_family2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Family Medicine 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Family Medicineint20152017
GQ144Graduation Questionnaireclinical_medicine2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: |Medicine 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Medicineint20152017
GQ145Graduation Questionnaireclinical_obstetrics2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Obstetrics/Gynecology 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Obstetrics/Gynecologyint20152017
GQ146Graduation Questionnaireclinical_pediatrics2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Pediatrics 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Pediatricsint20152017
GQ147Graduation Questionnaireclinical_psychiatry2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Psychiatry 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Psychiatryint20152017
GQ148Graduation Questionnaireclinical_surgery2015, 2016: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: |Surgery 2017: Please rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Surgeryint20152017
GQ149Graduation Questionnaireclinical_anesthesiaPlease rate the quality of your educational experiences in the following clinical disciplines: | Anesthesiaint20152016
GQ150Graduation Questionnaireclinical_licPlease rate the quality of your educational experiences in each of the following: | Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC)int20172017
GQ151Graduation Questionnaireemergency_guidanceEmergency Medicine | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ152Graduation Questionnaireemergency_balanceEmergency Medicine | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ153Graduation Questionnaireemergency_facultyEmergency Medicine | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ154Graduation Questionnaireemergency_residentEmergency Medicine | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ155Graduation Questionnaireemergency_hourEmergency Medicine | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ156Graduation Questionnaireemergency_logEmergency Medicine | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ157Graduation Questionnaireemergency_careEmergency Medicine | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ158Graduation Questionnaireemergency_personal_safetyEmergency Medicine | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ159Graduation Questionnaireemergency_patient_safetyEmergency Medicine |The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ160Graduation Questionnaireemergency_historyEmergency Medicine | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ161Graduation Questionnaireemergency_examinationEmergency Medicine | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ162Graduation Questionnaireemergency_feedbackEmergency Medicine | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ163Graduation Questionnaireemergency_knowledge[Emergency Medicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ164Graduation Questionnaireemergency_skillsEmergency Medicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ165Graduation Questionnaireemergency_learnEmergency Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ166Graduation Questionnaireemergency_appropriateEmergency Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ167Graduation Questionnaireemergency_objectiveEmergency Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ168Graduation Questionnaireemergency_strongEmergency Medicine | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ169Graduation Questionnaireemergency_weakEmergency Medicine |Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ170Graduation Questionnairefamily_guidanceFamily Medicine | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ171Graduation Questionnairefamily_balanceFamily Medicine | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ172Graduation Questionnairefamily_facultyFamily Medicine | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ173Graduation Questionnairefamily_residentFamily Medicine | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ174Graduation Questionnairefamily_hourFamily Medicine | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ175Graduation Questionnairefamily_logFamily Medicine | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ176Graduation Questionnairefamily_careFamily Medicine | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ177Graduation Questionnairefamily_personal_safetyFamily Medicine | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ178Graduation Questionnairefamily_patient_safetyFamily Medicine | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ179Graduation Questionnairefamily_historyFamily Medicine | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ180Graduation Questionnairefamily_examinationFamily Medicine | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ181Graduation Questionnairefamily_feedbackFamily Medicine | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ182Graduation Questionnairefamily_knowledgeFamily Medicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ183Graduation Questionnairefamily_skillsFamily Medicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ184Graduation Questionnairefamily_learnFamily Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ185Graduation Questionnairefamily_appropriateFamily Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ186Graduation Questionnairefamily_objectiveFamily Medicine | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ187Graduation Questionnairefamily_strongFamily Medicine | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ188Graduation Questionnairefamily_weakFamily Medicine | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ189Graduation Questionnairemedicine_guidanceMedicine | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ190Graduation Questionnairemedicine_balanceMedicine | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ191Graduation Questionnairemedicine_facultyMedicine | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ192Graduation Questionnairemedicine_residentMedicine | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ193Graduation Questionnairemedicine_hourMedicine | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ194Graduation Questionnairemedicine_logMedicine | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ195Graduation Questionnairemedicine_careMedicine | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ196Graduation Questionnairemedicine_personal_safetyMedicine | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ197Graduation Questionnairemedicine_patient_safetyMedicine | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ198Graduation Questionnairemedicine_historyMedicine | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ199Graduation Questionnairemedicine_examinationMedicine | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ200Graduation Questionnairemedicine_feedbackMedicine | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ201Graduation Questionnairemedicine_knowledgeMedicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ202Graduation Questionnairemedicine_skillsMedicine | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ203Graduation Questionnairemedicine_learnMedicine | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ204Graduation Questionnairemedicine_appropriateMedicine | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ205Graduation Questionnairemedicine_objectiveMedicine | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ206Graduation Questionnairemedicine_strongMedicine | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ207Graduation Questionnairemedicine_weakMedicine | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ208Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_guidanceObstetrics/Gynecology | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ209Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_balanceObstetrics/Gynecology | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ210Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_facultyObstetrics/Gynecology | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ211Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_residentObstetrics/Gynecology | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ212Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_hourObstetrics/Gynecology | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ213Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_logObstetrics/Gynecology | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ214Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_careObstetrics/Gynecology | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ215Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_personal_safetyObstetrics/Gynecology | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ216Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_patient_safetyObstetrics/Gynecology | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ217Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_historyObstetrics/Gynecology | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ218Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_examinationObstetrics/Gynecology | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ219Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_feedbackObstetrics/Gynecology | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ220Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_knowledgeObstetrics/Gynecology | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ221Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_skillsObstetrics/Gynecology | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ222Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_learnObstetrics/Gynecology | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ223Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_appropriateObstetrics/Gynecology | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ224Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_objectiveObstetrics/Gynecology | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ225Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_strongObstetrics/Gynecology | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ226Graduation Questionnaireobstetrics_weakObstetrics/Gynecology | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ227Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_guidancePediatrics | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ228Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_balancePediatrics | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ229Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_facultyPediatrics | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ230Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_residentPediatrics | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ231Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_hourPediatrics | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ232Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_logPediatrics | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ233Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_carePediatrics | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ234Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_personal_safetyPediatrics | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ235Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_patient_safetyPediatrics | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ236Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_historyPediatrics | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ237Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_examinationPediatrics | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ238Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_feedbackPediatrics | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ239Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_knowledgePediatrics | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ240Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_skillsPediatrics | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ241Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_learnPediatrics | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ242Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_appropriatePediatrics | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ243Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_objectivePediatrics | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ244Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_strongPediatrics | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ245Graduation Questionnairepediatrics_weakPediatrics | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ246Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_guidancePsychiatry | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ247Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_balancePsychiatry | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ248Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_facultyPsychiatry | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ249Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_residentPsychiatry | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ250Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_hourPsychiatry | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ251Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_logPsychiatry | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ252Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_carePsychiatry | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ253Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_personal_safetyPsychiatry | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ254Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_patient_safetyPsychiatry | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ255Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_historyPsychiatry | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ256Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_examination2015, 2016: Psychiatry | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examination 2017: Psychiatry | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a mental status exminationint20152017
GQ257Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_feedbackPsychiatry | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ258Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_knowledgePsychiatry | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ259Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_skillsPsychiatry | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ260Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_learnPsychiatry | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ261Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_appropriatePsychiatry | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ262Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_objectivePsychiatry | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ263Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_strongPsychiatry | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ264Graduation Questionnairepsychiatry_weakPsychiatry | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ265Graduation Questionnairesurgery_guidanceSurgery | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ266Graduation Questionnairesurgery_balanceSurgery | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ267Graduation Questionnairesurgery_facultySurgery | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ268Graduation Questionnairesurgery_residentSurgery | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ269Graduation Questionnairesurgery_hourSurgery | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ270Graduation Questionnairesurgery_logSurgery | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152017
GQ271Graduation Questionnairesurgery_careSurgery | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152017
GQ272Graduation Questionnairesurgery_personal_safetySurgery | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152017
GQ273Graduation Questionnairesurgery_patient_safetySurgery | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152017
GQ274Graduation Questionnairesurgery_historySurgery | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152017
GQ275Graduation Questionnairesurgery_examinationSurgery | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152017
GQ276Graduation Questionnairesurgery_feedbackSurgery | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152017
GQ277Graduation Questionnairesurgery_knowledgeSurgery | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ278Graduation Questionnairesurgery_skillsSurgery | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ279Graduation Questionnairesurgery_learnSurgery | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ280Graduation Questionnairesurgery_appropriateSurgery | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ281Graduation Questionnairesurgery_objectiveSurgery | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ282Graduation Questionnairesurgery_strongSurgery | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ283Graduation Questionnairesurgery_weakSurgery | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ284Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_guidanceAnesthesia | Faculty provided clear guidance on what I needed to learn and doint20152016
GQ285Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_balanceAnesthesia | The balance between inpatient and outpatient care was appropriateint20152016
GQ286Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_facultyAnesthesia | Faculty provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ287Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_residentAnesthesia | Residents/Fellows provided teaching consistent with the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ288Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_hourAnesthesia | The work week hours and frequency of on-call outlined in the clerkship policies/ manual/ handbook was not exceededint20152016
GQ289Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_logAnesthesia | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20152016
GQ290Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_careAnesthesia | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20152016
GQ291Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_personal_safetyAnesthesia | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20152016
GQ292Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_patient_safetyAnesthesia | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20152016
GQ293Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_historyAnesthesia | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20152016
GQ294Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_examinationAnesthesia | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20152016
GQ295Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_feedbackAnesthesia | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20152016
GQ296Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_knowledgeAnesthesia | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate knowledge for clinical careint20152016
GQ297Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_skillsAnesthesia | Bedside and formal teaching helped me develop appropriate skills & professional behaviors for clinical careint20152016
GQ298Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_learnAnesthesia | Methods used to assess my performance helped me learnint20152016
GQ299Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_appropriateAnesthesia | Methods used to assess my performance were appropriate for my level of trainingint20152016
GQ300Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_objectiveAnesthesia | Methods used to assess my performance reflected the learning objectivesint20152016
GQ301Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_strongAnesthesia | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ302Graduation Questionnaireanesthesia_weakAnesthesia | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ303Graduation Questionnairelic_logLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | I had sufficient access to the variety of patients and procedures required to complete my encounter logint20172017
GQ304Graduation Questionnairelic_careLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | I was given appropriate responsibility for patient careint20172017
GQ305Graduation Questionnairelic_personal_safetyLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | The supervision I received ensured my safetyint20172017
GQ306Graduation Questionnairelic_patient_safetyLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | The supervision I received ensured the safety of the patients for whom I provided careint20172017
GQ307Graduation Questionnairelic_historyLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | A faculty member or resident observed me taking a patient historyint20172017
GQ308Graduation Questionnairelic_examinationLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | A faculty member or resident observed me performing a physical examinationint20172017
GQ309Graduation Questionnairelic_feedbackLongitudinal Integrated Clerkship | I received feedback early enough to allow me time to improve my performanceint20172017
GQ310Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_interestProfessionalism | A commitment to advocate at all times the interest of oneís patients over oneís own interestsint20152017
GQ311Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_accessProfessionalism | A commitment to advocate for access to health care for members of traditionally underserved populationsint20152017
GQ312Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_learningProfessionalism | The need to engage in lifelong learning to stay abreast of relevant scientific advancesint20152017
GQ313Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_conflictProfessionalism | The threats to medical professionalism posed by conflicts of interestint20152017
GQ314Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_compassionProfessionalism | The compassionate treatment of patientsint20152017
GQ315Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_privacyProfessionalism | Respect for the privacy and dignity of patientsint20152017
GQ316Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_honestyProfessionalism | The value of honesty and integrity in all professional interactionsint20152017
GQ317Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_decision_makingProfessionalism | The principles that govern ethical decision-makingint20152017
GQ318Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_dilemmaProfessionalism | The major ethical dilemmas that arise in medicineint20152017
GQ319Graduation Questionnaireprofessionalism_limitationProfessionalism | The recognition and acceptance of limitations in oneís own knowledge and skillsint20152017
GQ320Graduation Questionnairerelationship_industryBased on your experiences, indicate whether you agree with the following statement about medicine and the profession: I was educated about professional relationships with industryint20152016
GQ321Graduation Questionnairediversity_backgroundPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I was appropriately trained to care for individuals from diverse backgroundsint20152017
GQ322Graduation Questionnairediversity_culturePlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | Overall my clinical experiences highlighted the need to understand and incorporate diversity and culture in delivering patient careint20152017
GQ323Graduation Questionnairediversity_competentPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I feel prepared to provide culturally competent careint20152017
GQ324Graduation Questionnairediversity_planPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I feel prepared to integrate the social determinants of health into an appropriate management planint20152017
GQ325Graduation Questionnairediversity_patientPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I feel appropriately prepared to advocate for my future patientsint20152017
GQ326Graduation Questionnairediversity_communityPlease indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I feel appropriately prepared to advocate for the communities of my future patients to better meet their health needs.int20152017
GQ327Graduation Questionnairedecision_historyWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Take a patient's historyint20152017
GQ328Graduation Questionnairedecision_examinationWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Perform a physical examinationint20152017
GQ329Graduation Questionnairedecision_diagnosisWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Develop an appropriate differential diagnosisint20152017
GQ330Graduation Questionnairedecision_reasonWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Reason clinicallyint20152017
GQ331Graduation Questionnairedecision_reportWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Interpret imaging reports for common health problemsint20152017
GQ332Graduation Questionnairedecision_investigationWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Use investigations in an evidence-informed and cost effective mannerint20152016
GQ333Graduation Questionnairedecision_resultWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Interpret laboratory resultsint20152017
GQ334Graduation Questionnairedecision_skillWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Apply clinical decision making skillsint20152016
GQ335Graduation Questionnairedecision_ethicWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Include ethical issues into decision makingint20152016
GQ336Graduation Questionnairedecision_planWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Develop an appropriate management planint20152017
GQ337Graduation Questionnairedecision_hospitalWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Care for patients in a hospital settingint20152017
GQ338Graduation Questionnairedecision_ambulatoryWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Care for patients in an ambulatory settingint20152017
GQ339Graduation Questionnairedecision_errorWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Recognize medical errors and their causesint20152017
GQ340Graduation Questionnairedecision_safetyWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Incorporate the principles of patient safety in clinical careint20152016
GQ341Graduation Questionnairedecision_qualityWhen presented with a variety of patients I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Assess the quality of careint20152017
GQ342Graduation Questionnaireevidence_criticEvidence-Informed Medicine I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Critically review published clinical research studiesint20152016
GQ343Graduation Questionnaireevidence_reviewEvidence-Informed Medicine I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Conduct a systematic literature reviewint20152016
GQ344Graduation Questionnaireevidence_incorporateEvidence-Informed Medicine I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Incorporate evidence-informed decision-making into patient careint20152017
GQ345Graduation Questionnaireevidence_accessEvidence-Informed Medicine I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Access evidence-informed treatment guidelinesint20152017
GQ346Graduation Questionnaireevidence_applyEvidence-Informed Medicine I am confident that I have the knowledge and skills to: | Apply evidence- informed treatment guidelines to patient careint20152016
GQ347Graduation Questionnairepopulation_promotionPopulation-Based Medicine Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Health promotion and disease prevention int20152017
GQ348Graduation Questionnairepopulation_screeningPopulation-Based Medicine Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Screening for diseases int20152017
GQ349Graduation Questionnairepopulation_preventionPopulation-Based Medicine Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Infectious disease prevention int20152017
GQ350Graduation Questionnairepopulation_counselPopulation-Based Medicine Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Risk assessment and counselling int20152017
GQ351Graduation Questionnairepopulation_determinantPopulation-Based Medicine Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Health determinants including social determinants int20152017
GQ352Graduation Questionnaireother_long_termOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Long-term healthcareint20152017
GQ353Graduation Questionnaireother_continuityOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Continuity of careint20152017
GQ354Graduation Questionnaireother_managementOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Pain managementint20152017
GQ355Graduation Questionnaireother_policyOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Health policyint20152017
GQ356Graduation Questionnaireother_systemOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Health care systemsint20152017
GQ357Graduation Questionnaireother_lawOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Law & Medicineint20152017
GQ358Graduation Questionnaireother_behaviouralOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Behavioral Sciencesint20152017
GQ359Graduation Questionnaireother_alternativeOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Complementary and alternative medicineint20152017
GQ360Graduation Questionnaireother_sexualityOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Human sexualityint20152017
GQ361Graduation Questionnaireother_palliativeOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | End-of-life /palliative careint20152017
GQ362Graduation Questionnaireother_violenceOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Family/ Domestic violenceint20152017
GQ363Graduation Questionnaireother_abuseOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Drug and alcohol abuseint20152017
GQ364Graduation Questionnaireother_humanismOther Medical Topics Do you believe that your instruction in each of the following areas was inadequate, appropriate, or excessive? | Ethics/Humanismint20152017
GQ365Graduation Questionnairecommunication_patientPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Communicate effectively with patients and their familiesint20152017
GQ366Graduation Questionnairecommunication_physicianPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Communicate with other physiciansint20152017
GQ367Graduation Questionnairecommunication_professionalPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Communicate with other health professionalsint20152017
GQ368Graduation Questionnairecommunication_colleaguePlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Discuss patient care with a health care colleagueint20152016
GQ369Graduation Questionnairecommunication_errorPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Discuss a medical error with a patientint20152016
GQ370Graduation Questionnairecommunication_counselPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Provide safe-sex counselling to patientsint20152017
GQ371Graduation Questionnairecommunication_optionPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Discuss options with a patient and/or family members who request unnecessary /unwarranted tests or proceduresint20152017
GQ372Graduation Questionnairecommunication_therapyPlease indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: | Discuss the health practices of a patient using alternate therapiesint20152017
GQ373Graduation Questionnaireinformation_technologyI am confident that I have the appropriate knowledge and skills to: | Use technology to access information at the time of a patient encounter if needed int20152017
GQ374Graduation Questionnaireinformation_confidentialityI am confident that I have the appropriate knowledge and skills to: | Safeguard the confidentiality of the patientís medical recordsint20152016
GQ375Graduation Questionnaireinformation_telemedicineI am confident that I have the appropriate knowledge and skills to: | Participate in patient care using telemedicineint20152016
GQ376Graduation Questionnaireinformation_real_timeI am confident that I have the appropriate knowledge and skills to: | Access information in real time to make decisions for patient careint20152016
GQ377Graduation QuestionnaireresidencyI am confident that I have developed the clinical skills required to begin a residency program.int20152017
GQ378Graduation Questionnairefinal_yearThe final year was helpful in my preparation for residency.int20152016
GQ379Graduation Questionnaireparticipation_researchI participated in a research project or other scholarly activity with a faculty member:int20152017
GQ380Graduation Questionnaireparticipation_research_otherI participated in a research project or other scholarly activity with a faculty member: [No, other (please specify):] [text]nvarchar20162016
GQ381Graduation Questionnaireresearch_preparationIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | The curriculum in my MD program prepared me to undertake a research project and/or other scholarly activities in my residency trainingint20152016
GQ382Graduation Questionnaireresearch_interestIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | The curriculum in my MD program stimulated my interest in becoming involved in a research study or other scholarly workint20152016
GQ383Graduation Questionnaireresearch_encouragementIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I was encouraged to undertake a research projectint20152016
GQ384Graduation Questionnaireresearch_opportunityIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | There were opportunities available for me to undertake researchint20152016
GQ385Graduation Questionnaireresearch_supportIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | My research project was well supported by facultyint20152016
GQ386Graduation Questionnaireresearch_questionIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | I am comfortable with my ability to formulate a research questionint20152016
GQ387Graduation Questionnaireresearch_clinicalIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | Research is valuable for clinical practiceint20152016
GQ388Graduation Questionnaireresearch_knowledgeIndicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: | All physicians should know how to conduct health researchint20152016
GQ389Graduation Questionnaireume_accessibilityOffice of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs/Medical Education | Accessibilityint20152017
GQ390Graduation Questionnaireume_awarenessOffice of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs/Medical Education | Awareness of student concernsint20152016
GQ391Graduation Questionnaireume_responsivenessOffice of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs/Medical Education | Responsiveness to student problemsint20152017
GQ392Graduation Questionnaireume_inclusionOffice of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs/Medical Education | Includes students on key medical school committees and working groupsint20152017
GQ393Graduation Questionnaireume_helpfulOffice of the Associate Dean for Educational Programs/Medical Education | Helpfulness of the administrative support staff (non-faculty)int20152016
GQ394Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_wellnessOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Promotes student success,wellnessint20152016
GQ395Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_accessibilityOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Accessibilityint20152017
GQ396Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_awarenessOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Awareness of student concernsint20152016
GQ397Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_responsivenessOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Responsiveness to student problemsint20152017
GQ398Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_inclusionOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Includes students on key medical school committees and working groupsint20152017
GQ399Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_engagementOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Engages students in Student Affairs activitiesint20152016
GQ400Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_helpfulOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Helpfulness of the administrative support staff (non-faculty)int20152016
GQ401Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_academic_counselOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Academic advising/counsellingint20152017
GQ402Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_career_advisingOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Career advisingint20152016
GQ403Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_personal_counselOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Personal counsellingint20152017
GQ404Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_confidentialityOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Confidentiality of personal counsellingint20152016
GQ405Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_financeOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Financial aid administrative servicesint20152017
GQ406Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_overall_debtOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Overall educational debt management counsellingint20152017
GQ407Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_student_debtOffice of Student Affairs/Student support services team | Student Debtint20152016
GQ408Graduation QuestionnairewellnessWellness How satisfied are you with programs/activities that promote effective stress management, a balanced lifestyle and overall wellbeing?int20152017
GQ409Graduation Questionnairecareer_serviceCareer Planning Services | Career planning servicesint20152017
GQ410Graduation Questionnairecareer_specialtyCareer Planning Services | Information about specialtiesint20152017
GQ411Graduation Questionnairecareer_workforceCareer Planning Services | Information about the changing workforce environmentint20152017
GQ412Graduation Questionnairecareer_facultyCareer Planning Services | Faculty mentoringint20152016
GQ413Graduation Questionnairecareer_residentCareer Planning Services | Resident mentoringint20152016
GQ414Graduation Questionnairecareer_guidanceCareer Planning Services | Guidance when choosing electivesint20152017
GQ415Graduation Questionnairecareer_opportunityCareer Planning Services | Opportunity for electives at my own schoolint20152016
GQ416Graduation Questionnairestudent_healthStudent Health | Student health servicesint20152017
GQ417Graduation Questionnairestudent_mental_healthStudent Health | Student mental health servicesint20152017
GQ418Graduation Questionnairestudent_insuranceStudent Health | Awareness of and access to student disability insuranceint20152017
GQ419Graduation Questionnairestudent_educationStudent Health | Education about exposure to and prevention of infectious diseases (e.g., needle stick injury procedures)int20152017
GQ420Graduation Questionnaireneedle_injuryI know what to do if I am exposed to an infectious or environmental hazard like a needle stick injury.int20152017
GQ421Graduation Questionnaireservice_resource2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Medical School /University based learning resources 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Medical School/University based learning resourcesint20152016
GQ422Graduation Questionnaireservice_study2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Student study space 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Student study spaceint20152017
GQ423Graduation Questionnaireservice_relaxation2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Student relaxation space 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Student relaxation spaceint20152017
GQ424Graduation Questionnaireservice_security2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Provision of services that promote student security on campus 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Provision of services that promote student security on campusint20152016
GQ425Graduation Questionnaireservice_library2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Library 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Libraryint20152017
GQ426Graduation Questionnaireservice_computer_resource2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Computer Resource Center 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Computer Resource Centerint20152016
GQ427Graduation Questionnaireservice_computer_access2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Access to computers 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Access to computersint20152017
GQ428Graduation Questionnaireservice_internet2015: Other Student Services Indicate your level of satisfaction with the following university supports: | Access to internet 2016: Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following. Other Student Services | Access to internetint20152017
GQ429Graduation Questionnairepolicy_mistreatmentSchool Policies Regarding Mistreatment | Are you aware that your school has policies regarding the mistreatment of medical students?int20152017
GQ430Graduation Questionnaireprocedure_mistreatmentSchool Policies Regarding Mistreatment | Do you know the procedure at your school for reporting the mistreatment of medical students?int20152017
GQ431Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_strongStudent Affairs Please comment on what you perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the student affairs/student support services at your medical school. (250 word limit each). Any comments you write below will be provided to your medical school verbatim. The verbatim responses will not be linked to your identity and will not be linked to GQ data other than your campus location. When providing comments, you should not provide self-identifying information unless it is your intention that your identity be known. | Strengthsnvarchar20152016
GQ432Graduation Questionnairestudent_affair_weakStudent Affairs Please comment on what you perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the student affairs/student support services at your medical school. (250 word limit each). Any comments you write below will be provided to your medical school verbatim. The verbatim responses will not be linked to your identity and will not be linked to GQ data other than your campus location. When providing comments, you should not provide self-identifying information unless it is your intention that your identity be known. | Weaknessesnvarchar20152016
GQ433Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_embarrassedBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Publicly embarrassed?int20152016
GQ434Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_humiliatedBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Publicly humiliated?int20152017
GQ435Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_threatBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Threatened with physical harm?int20152017
GQ436Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_harmBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Physically harmed?int20152017
GQ437Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_serviceBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Required to perform personal services?int20152017
GQ438Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_sexual_advanceBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Subjected to unwanted sexual advances?int20152017
GQ439Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_sexual_favourBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Asked to exchange sexual favors for grades or other rewards?int20152017
GQ440Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_gender_rewardBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on gender?int20152017
GQ441Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_gender_remarkBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Subjected to offensive sexist remarks/names?int20152017
GQ442Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_gender_gradeBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Received lower evaluations/grades based on gender?int20152017
GQ443Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_race_rewardBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on race or ethnicity?int20152017
GQ444Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_race_remarkBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Subjected to racially or ethnically offensive remarks/names?int20152017
GQ445Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_race_grade[NegBehavior.0] Behaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Received lower evaluations or grades solely because of race or ethnicity rather than performance?int20152017
GQ446Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_orientation_rewardBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on sexual orientation?int20152017
GQ447Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_orientation_remarkBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Subjected to offensive remarks/names related to sexual orientation?int20152017
GQ448Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_orientation_gradeBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Received lower evaluations or grades solely because of sexual orientation rather than performance?int20152017
GQ449Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_otherBehaviours Experienced During Medical School For each of the following behaviours, please indicate the frequency you personally experienced that behaviour during medical school. Include in your response any behaviours performed by faculty, nurses, residents/interns, other institution employees or staff, and other students. Please do not include behaviours performed by patients and their families. During medical school, how frequently have you been: | Subjected to negative or offensive behaviour(s) not described above?int20152016
GQ450Graduation Questionnairemistreatment_other_txt[NegBehOther] If you were subjected to negative or offensive behaviour(s) not described above, please describe the behaviour(s) here:nvarchar20152016
GQ451Graduation Questionnairebhv_embarrassedYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Publicly embarrassed?]bit20152016
GQ452Graduation Questionnairebhv_humiliatedYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Publicly humiliated?]bit20152016
GQ453Graduation Questionnairebhv_threatYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Threatened with physical harm?]bit20152016
GQ454Graduation Questionnairebhv_harmYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Physically harmed?]bit20152016
GQ455Graduation Questionnairebhv_serviceYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Required to perform personal services?]bit20152016
GQ456Graduation Questionnairebhv_sexual_advanceYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Subjected to unwanted sexual advances?]bit20152016
GQ457Graduation Questionnairebhv_sexual_favourYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Asked to exchange sexual favors for grades or other rewards?]bit20152016
GQ458Graduation Questionnairebhv_gender_rewardYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on gender?]bit20152016
GQ459Graduation Questionnairebhv_gender_remarkYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Subjected to offensive sexist remarks/names?]bit20152016
GQ460Graduation Questionnairebhv_gender_gradeYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Received lower evaluations/grades based on gender?]bit20152016
GQ461Graduation Questionnairebhv_race_rewardYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on race or ethnicity?]bit20152016
GQ462Graduation Questionnairebhv_race_remarkYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Subjected to racially or ethnically offensive remarks/names?]bit20152016
GQ463Graduation Questionnairebhv_race_gradeYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Received lower evaluations or grades solely because of race or ethnicity rather than performance?]bit20152016
GQ464Graduation Questionnairebhv_orientation_rewardYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Denied opportunities for training or rewards based on sexual orientation?]bit20152016
GQ465Graduation Questionnairebhv_orientation_remarkYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Subjected to offensive remarks/names related to sexual orientation?]bit20152016
GQ466Graduation Questionnairebhv_orientation_gradeYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Received lower evaluations or grades solely because of sexual orientation rather than performance?]bit20152016
GQ467Graduation Questionnairebhv_otherYou indicated that you personally experienced the following behaviour(s) during medical school. Indicate below which person(s) engaged in the behaviour that was directed at you. Check all that apply. [Subjected to negative or offensive behaviour(s) not described above?]bit20152016
GQ468Graduation QuestionnairereportDid you report any of the behaviours listed above to a designated faculty member or a member of the medical school administration empowered to handle such complaints?int20152016
GQ469Graduation Questionnairereport_to_whomTo whom did you report the behaviours? Check all that applybit20152016
GQ470Graduation Questionnairereport_other_txtTo whom did you report the behaviours? Check all that apply [Other, please specify...] [text]nvarchar20162016
GQ471Graduation Questionnairereport_satisfactionHow satisfied are you with the outcome of having reported the behaviour(s)?int20152016
GQ472Graduation Questionnairenot_reportIf there were any incidents of these behaviours that you did not report, why didn't you report them? Check all thay apply.bit20152016
GQ473Graduation Questionnairenot_report_other_txtIf there were any incidents of these behaviours that you did not report, why didn't you report them? Check all thay apply [Other, please specify...] [text]nvarchar20162016
GQ474Graduation Questionnairesexual_orientWhat do you consider your sexual orientation to be? Please select all that apply.bit20152016
GQ475Graduation Questionnairesexual_orient_other_txtWhat do you consider your sexual orientation to be? Please select all that apply. [Other (please specify):] [text]nvarchar20152016
GQ476Graduation Questionnaireethnic_backgroundWhat is your ethnic/cultural background? Select all that apply.bit20152015
GQ477Graduation Questionnaireethnic_other_txtWhat is your ethnic/cultural background? Select all that apply. [Other, please specify... ] [text]nvarchar20152015
GQ478Graduation Questionnaireethnic_prefer_not2015: What is your ethnic/cultural background? Select all that apply. [Prefer not to say ] 2016: What is your ethnic/cultural background? [Prefer not to say ]bit20152016
GQ479Graduation Questionnaireethnic_specifyWhat is your ethnic/cultural background? [Please specify... ]int20162016
GQ480Graduation Questionnaireethnic_specify_txtWhat is your ethnic/cultural background? [Please specify... ] [text]nvarchar20162016
GQ481Graduation Questionnaireeducation_parent1What was the highest level of education attained by your parent(s)/guardian(s)? | Parent/ Guardian 1int20152016
GQ482Graduation Questionnaireeducation_parent2What was the highest level of education attained by your parent(s)/guardian(s)? | Parent/ Guardian 2int20152016
GQ483Graduation Questionnaireeducation_parent3What was the highest level of education attained by your parent(s)/guardian(s)? | Parent/ Guardian 3int20152016
GQ484Graduation Questionnaireeducation_parent4What was the highest level of education attained by your parent(s)/guardian(s)? | Parent/ Guardian 4int20152016
GQ485Graduation Questionnairecommunity_sizeSize of community in which you lived on entry into high school:int20152016
GQ486Graduation Questionnaireprior_uni_provincePlease indicate where you lived prior to attending university:int20152016
GQ487Graduation Questionnaireprior_uni_otherPlease indicate where you lived prior to attending university: [other]nvarchar20152016
GQ488Graduation QuestionnaireintentionPlease indicate your career intention from the different activities listed below: Select all that apply.bit20152016
GQ489Graduation Questionnaireresearch_careerHow extensively do you expect to be involved in research and/or scholarly activities during your medical career?int20152016
GQ490Graduation Questionnairepractice_locationWhere do you plan to practice?int20152016
GQ491Graduation Questionnairepractice_location_otherWhere do you plan to practice? [other]nvarchar20152016
GQ492Graduation Questionnairepractice_location_canadaWhere do you plan to practice in Canada?int20152016
GQ493Graduation Questionnairegeography_albertaWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Albertaint20162016
GQ494Graduation Questionnairegeography_british_columbiaWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | British Columbiaint20162016
GQ495Graduation Questionnairegeography_manitobaWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Manitobaint20162016
GQ496Graduation Questionnairegeography_new_brunswickWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | New Brunswickint20162016
GQ497Graduation Questionnairegeography_newfounlandWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Newfoundland and Labradorint20162016
GQ498Graduation Questionnairegeography_nova_scotiaWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Nova Scotiaint20162016
GQ499Graduation Questionnairegeography_ontarioWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Ontarioint20162016
GQ500Graduation Questionnairegeography_peiWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Prince Edward Islandint20162016
GQ501Graduation Questionnairegeography_quebecWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Quebecint20162016
GQ502Graduation Questionnairegeography_saskatchewanWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Saskatchewanint20162016
GQ503Graduation Questionnairegeography_northwestWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Northwest Territoriesint20162016
GQ504Graduation Questionnairegeography_nunavutWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Nunavutint20162016
GQ505Graduation Questionnairegeography_yukonWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Yukonint20162016
GQ506Graduation Questionnairegeography_canada_undecidedWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Canada, province/territory undecidedint20162016
GQ507Graduation Questionnairegeography_united_statesWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | United Statesint20162016
GQ508Graduation Questionnairegeography_outside_canWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Outside Canada/US (please specify below)int20162016
GQ509Graduation Questionnairegeography_outside_can_undecidedWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Outside Canada/US, undecidedint20162016
GQ510Graduation Questionnairegeography_outside_can_txtWhere do you want to practice? Please rank your top three choices from the list below. | Outside Canada/US (please specify below) [text]nvarchar20162016
GQ511Graduation Questionnairepractice_location_likelyIndicate your most likely future practice location:int20152016
GQ512Graduation Questionnairefactor_interestHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Personal interestint20152016
GQ513Graduation Questionnairefactor_mentorHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Mentor/Role model influenceint20152016
GQ514Graduation Questionnairefactor_lifestyleHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Lifestyle expectationsint20152016
GQ515Graduation Questionnairefactor_salaryHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Salary expectationsint20152016
GQ516Graduation Questionnairefactor_familyHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Family expectations (spouse, parents, children, relatives)int20152016
GQ517Graduation Questionnairefactor_geographyHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Geographic considerationsint20152016
GQ518Graduation Questionnairefactor_need2015: How important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Current need for physicians in this discipline 2016: How important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Current need for physiciansint20152016
GQ519Graduation Questionnairefactor_competitivenessHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Competitiveness of career choiceint20152016
GQ520Graduation Questionnairefactor_subspecializationHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Options for sub-specializationint20152015
GQ521Graduation Questionnairefactor_residencyHow important were the following factors in determining your career choice? | Length of residency trainingint20152016
GQ522Graduation Questionnairedebt_medical_school2015: Have you accumulated debt directly related to your medical studies? int20152015
GQ523Graduation Questionnairedebt_medical_school_amount2015: Approximate amount in Canadian dollars: int20152015
GQ524Graduation Questionnairerelated_debtWhat was the approximate amount of debt (in Canadian dollars) that you have accumulated directly related to your medical studies?bit20162017
GQ525Graduation Questionnairerelated_debt_amount_txtWhat was the approximate amount of debt (in Canadian dollars) that you have accumulated directly related to your medical studies? |The approximate amount is (please specify): [text]money20162017
GQ526Graduation QuestionnairedebtDo you have non-educational debt for accommodation (rent or mortgage), transportation, general living expenses and recreation? int20152015
GQ527Graduation Questionnairedebt_amountApproximate amount in Canadian dollars non-educational debt:int20152015
GQ528Graduation QuestionnaireobligationDo you have any obligations for return of service based on financial assistance for medical school from other sources? If yes, please select all that apply.bit20152016
GQ529Graduation Questionnaireobligation_other_txt2015: Do you have any obligations for return of service based on financial assistance for medical school from other sources? If yes then please select all that apply. [Other, please specify...] [text] 2016: Do you have any obligations for return of service based on financial assistance for medical school from other sources? If yes, please select all that apply. [Yes, other (please specify)] [text]nvarchar20152016
GQ530Graduation QuestionnairescholarshipDid you receive scholarship funding? (Note: A scholarship is financial award based on merit or standing.)int20152016
GQ531Graduation Questionnairescholarship_amountDid you receive scholarship funding? (Note: A scholarship is financial award based on merit or standing.)bit20162016
GQ532Graduation Questionnairescholarship_amount_txtDid you receive scholarship funding? (Note: A scholarship is financial award based on merit or standing.) | Approximate amount in Canadian dollars:money20152016
GQ533Graduation QuestionnairebursaryDid you receive bursary funding, grant funding or sponsorship? (Note: Bursary funding, grant funding and sponsorship are financial awards based on financial need.)int20152016
GQ534Graduation Questionnairebursary_amountDid you receive bursary funding, grant funding or sponsorship? (Note: Bursary funding, grant funding and sponsorship are financial awards based on financial need.)bit20162016
GQ535Graduation Questionnairebursary_amount_txtDid you receive bursary funding, grant funding or sponsorship? (Note: Bursary funding, grant funding and sponsorship are financial awards based on financial need.) |Approximate amount in Canadian dollars: [text]money20152016
GQ536Graduation Questionnairefunding_needTo what extent do you believe that the amount of financial assistance available to you through grants and loans from either government or university institutions met your actual direct educational financial need (specifically tuition, books and required equipment/technology)?int20152016
GQ537Graduation Questionnairecircumstance_travelWere there particular circumstances relating to your medical school experience that caused increased necessary debt? Select all that apply.bit20152015
GQ538Graduation Questionnairecircumstance_other_txtWere there particular circumstances relating to your medical school experience that caused increased necessary debt? Select all that apply. [Other] [text]nvarchar20152015
GQ539Graduation QuestionnaireworkDid you work part-time to support yourself during your medical school?int20152016
GQ540Graduation Questionnairedebt_prior_medical_schoolDid you have any educational debt prior to entering medical school?int20152015
GQ541Graduation Questionnairedebt_prior_medical_school_amountApproximate amount in Canadian dollars debt prior to entering medical school:int20152015
GQ542Graduation Questionnaireunrelated_debtWhat was the approximate amount of debt (in Canadian dollars) of your educational debt prior to entering medical school? | None - I had no educational debt prior to entering medical school ($0)bit20162016
GQ543Graduation Questionnaireunrelated_debt_amount_txtWhat was the approximate amount of debt (in Canadian dollars) of your educational debt prior to entering medical school? |The approximate amount was (please specify): [text]money20162016
GQ544Graduation QuestionnairefeedbackSurvey Evaluationnvarchar20152017
GS101Graduate StudentsGradStud_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint20012016
GS102Graduate StudentsREPORTYEARValid Report Year in Format YYYYint20012016
GS103Graduate StudentsUniv_IDFK: Two-Digit Canadian FOM Code Assigned by AFMCint20012016
GS104Graduate StudentsEGI_IDFK: Four-Digit Discipline Code Assigned by AFMCint20012016
GS105Graduate StudentsMAENFTNumber of full-time master's students enrolledint20012016
GS106Graduate StudentsMAENPTNumber of part-time master's students enrolledint20012016
GS107Graduate StudentsPHDENFTNumber of full-time PhD students enrolledint20012016
GS108Graduate StudentsPHDENPTNumber of part-time PhD students enrolledint20012016
GS109Graduate StudentsPOSTDOCNumber of postdoctoral fellows enrolledint20012016
GS110Graduate StudentsMADEGRENumber of part-time master's degrees awardedint20012016
GS111Graduate StudentsPHDDEGRENumber of part-time PhD degrees awardedint20012016
MD101MD GraduatesMDGrad_IDAuto-Incremented primary key columnint20032017
MD102MD GraduatesDDT_IDUnique DDT identifier, also equates to the Master_ID in the DDT_Master table.float20032017
MD103MD GraduatesREPORTYEARAcademic year in which the student completed their degree, i.e. 2002 refers to the 2002/03 academic year.float20032017
MD104MD GraduatesUniv_IDFaculty of medicine code where the application to medical school was submitted. ID references are located in the University table in the Standards database.int20032017
MD105MD GraduatesResidence_IDStudent's place of residence code at time of application. ID references are located in the Residence table in the Standards database.int20032017
MD106MD GraduatesLegalStatus_IDStudent's legal status code at time of application. ID references are located in the LegalStatus table in the Standards database.int20032017
MD107MD GraduatesEnrolDateDate at which the student enrolled for the MD degree.datetime20032017
MD108MD GraduatesMDDateDate at which the student completed their degree.datetime20032017
MD109MD GraduatesCampus_IDFaculty of medicine campus specific code where the student completed their degree (main, regional etc). ID references are located in the Campus table in the Standards database.float20032017
MD110MD GraduatesNOTESAny additional notes pertaining to the enrolled student.nvarchar20032017
MD111MD GraduatesQuotaUGME program quota type code in which the student was enrolled (regular quota, above-quota). ID references are located in the Quota table in the Standards database.float20032017
MD112MD GraduatesmdconfrmIndicator or whether or not the MD was officially granted: 1 = Yes, 0 = No.int20032017