Social Accountability:

Future of Medical Education in Canada (FMEC)

Future of Medical Education in Canada

Future of Medical Education in Canada (FMEC)

The Future of Medical Education in Canada (FMEC) is a comprehensive suite of projects focused on ensuring that Canada’s medical education system continues to meet the changing needs of Canadians, both now and into the future. Implementing the recommendations arising from these reports will significantly enhance Canadian physician education, optimize health care delivery, and ultimately improve the health status of all Canadians.


The FMEC MD report looks at how education programs leading to the Medical Doctor (MD) degree in Canada can best respond to society’s evolving needs.


AFMC published the FMEC MD report and its 10 recommendations in 2010. Health Canada is graciously acknowledged for its generous funding provided in support.


As a consortium and with the support of Health Canada, the AFMC, CFPC, CMQ and RCPSC, released 10 FMEC PG recommendations in 2012, building on the work of the FMEC MD project and exploring Postgraduate medical education (PGME) as part of the learning continuum for physicians, focusing on medical students as they move into postgraduate training and, later, into practice.


The third report on FMEC sets out 11 enabling recommendations to support physician learning and continuing practice improvement. This report was released in 2019 and is the result of further collective visioning involving seven Partners – the AFMC, CFPC, CMA, CMPA, FMRAC, MCC and RCPSC.