Visit the AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis booth at ICAM

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AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis Project: Advanced Knowledge of Pain & Management of Chronic Pain Modules are now Live
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The Response to Opioid Crisis project is excited to announce the launch of two additions to the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada’s PGME curriculum: PGME 6.1. “Advanced Knowledge of Pain” and PGME 6.2. “Management of Chronic Pain”.

Visit the AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis booth at ICAM to learn more about the UGME, PGME and CPD curricula.  These curricula have been developed to address gaps in medical education in pain management and opioid use disorder. These free, bilingual, online competency-based curricula can be used as a whole or can be integrated into existing curriculum.

Who are these modules for?

  • Medical students
  • Resident physicians
  • Practicing physicians
  • Educational Leads
  • Curriculum development leads
  • Educational leadership

A module for physicians with medical education and training outside of Canada has also been developed and will be available for enrollment. The module curates the UGME curriculum for learners to help close knowledge gaps in the knowledge and treatment of pain management and opioid use disorder.

Resources available at the booth:

  • Live demonstration of curriculum
  • Curriculum handouts and promotional materials
  • Support for enrolling in the curriculum
  • Promotional video detailing the benefits of the curriculum
  • Additional Resources
    • Self-Assessment Tool for learners to identify knowledge gaps
    • Simulation Playbook
    • Faculty Development Tools
    • Patient-Physician Partnership Toolkit

While this curriculum is geared towards Canadian medical schools and physicians, it can be utilized by other healthcare practitioners, patients and caregivers, and may be of interest to international physicians and educational leads as well!

We look forward to seeing you in Quebec City at ICAM!