
Faculty Resources

Virtual Interview Handbook for Programs

A virtual interview handbook for programs was created to assist with the transition to virtual interview. The handbooks were created by a working group of the AFMC Resident Matching Committee (ARMC), which included learners, PG deans and Program Directors.

Virtual Interview Handbook for the Applicant

A virtual interview handbook for applicants was created to assist with the transition to virtual interview. The handbooks were created by a working group of the AFMC Resident Matching Committee (ARMC), which included learners, PG deans and Program Directors.

International Dean Leadership Development program

AFMC has developed an International Dean Leadership Development program to support professional development of Deans of Medicine, Deans of Health Sciences Faculties, aspiring Deans and others in decanal leadership positions around the world. The program includes online facilitated sessions and will culminate with a face-to-face meeting at the inaugural International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), that will take place in Québec City, Québec, Canada from April 13 to 18, 2023. The program will be offered virtually (via Zoom platform) over 9 sessions. Time duration of sessions is 1.5 hours with the addition of up to 1 hour of pre-reading or reviewing recorded sessions. The course was developed to engage global Dean leaders, aspiring Deans and others in decanal leadership positions in medicine, academic medicine, and academic health professions.

By attending the sessions, participants will be able to:


  1. Transform the fundamental leadership and management skills of building trust, effective team management, resource management, and fostering a culture of innovation in a global academic medical school environment.
  2. Apply the knowledge acquired in this program to leadership in an academic and/or clinical environment

Visting Scholar Program

The Visiting Scholar Program was established to fulfill AFMC’s goal of supporting Canadian faculties of medicine and their faculty members, staff and learners. The Visiting Scholar collaborates with the AFMC Data and Information Services in the search for new ways to use AFMC collected data to advance the scholarship related to Academic Medicine in Canada.


Interested in using AFMC data to advance their scholarly work?



Launched on March 17th, 2020, Partners in Virtual and Online Teaching in Medical Education – PIVOT MedEd is an open-access repository of resources created and curated by a community of educators working together to help each other pivot curricula for medical learners to online platforms. Individuals interested in sharing a resource for potential inclusion on PIVOT MedEd are welcomed to email a link to along with a short description of the material.


Physician professionalism comprises a set of knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills essential to the provision of effective and safe patient care and therefore essential to the practice of medicine. It is accepted and required as a core competency by all accrediting and licensing bodies, and as an essential, integrated component of progression for all Canadian medical education programs. A statement was prepared by the Canadian Undegraduate Deans with the intention of defining a common understanding, terminology, and suggested framework for the approach to professionalism lapses among all Canadian medical schools to better enable them to develop effective programming and equitable approaches.

Report on Mental Health Activities

In 2018, AFMC held consultations at the Canadian Conference on Medical Education with leaders and learners about physician burnout and the strategies to build resiliency among medical students, residents and faculty in medical schools. A report was published and recommendations were identified.

AFMC Wellness Working Group

The AFMC Wellness Working Group was established by the Board of the Association of the Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC). The aim was to establish a working group consisting of leads from the relevant AFMC Committees and Networks to develop a compendium of best practices to support wellness amongst physicians including medical learners, graduate students and faculty members. The working group was charged with the task of identifying programs and structures that should be included at each Faculty of Medicine to support students, residents, fellows, graduate students and faculty members.

A virtual textbook on public health concepts for clinicians

Covering the population health objectives of the Medical Council of Canada, the Primer presents the population perspective of health that is relevant to clinical practice and illustrates how public health concepts can be used in clinical situations. This Primer is tailored for medical students, students in other healthcare professions and all health professionals interested in improving their knowledge.

Rethinking The Final Year of Medical School

The annual AFMC Board Invitational event held on April 23, 2022, during CCME 2022 focused on the topic of rethinking the final year of medical school and was a hybrid event facilitated by the AFMC Senior Education Deans Network. This event brought together leaders in medical education, including representatives of UGME, PGME, Student Affairs, students, medical regulators, and medical colleges to share their viewpoints and diverse perspectives on the overall effectiveness of the final year of undergraduate medical education.