
Undergraduate Students, Electives, & MD Graduates

Undergraduate Students, Electives, & MD Graduates

Visiting Electives

Your One-Stop Shop for Visiting Electives

The AFMC Student Portal is an online, bilingual service that facilitates applications and placements of medical students for undergraduate visiting electives at the 17 faculties of medicine in Canada.

The Student Portal services include a searchable database for visiting electives in Canada; online application process for Canadian and international students; and placement and confirmation tracking tools for elective coordinators at each faculty.

Our services are available to Canadian and International undergraduate medical students.

Want to know how many students participated in visiting electives?


Canada’s Portal for Residency Program Promotion (CANPREPP)

CANPREPP, an initiative of AFMC, is a virtual platform allowing applicants to Canadian residency programs to discover, experience, and connect with any residency program across Canada.

Students can find the right fit for their future by exploring residency programs across Canada, all in on virtual place.

Demystifying the Resident Match

This section is a tool to inform medical students on the resident matching process. We have consulted broadly and gathered a series of myths regarding this process. The following videos aim to demystify preconceived ideas about the matching process of residents and guide students during this crucial step of their medical career.

Preparing for Residency Registration Requirements

AFMC developed a national overview document to help learners start to think about and action the steps that are needed to facilitate a faster, more efficient registration process for residency.

Transition to Residency

Addressing the challenges that impact learners transitioning to residency

Based on their social accountability mandate, Canadian medical schools must create a physician workforce that is responsive to the health needs of Canadians.

Unmatched Canadian Medical Graduates

An increasing number of Canadian medical school graduates will not enter residency and complete their training to provide the care Canadians need. In 2018, AFMC released a report with recommendations to address this crisis.

Elective Diversification

The AFMC Student Elective Diversification Policy was implemented at all Faculties of Medicine in Canada beginning with the Class of 2021 and will ensure that student elective opportunities do not exceed eight weeks in any single entry-level discipline.

The Policy

Undergraduate programs recognize their dual responsibility to ensure students undertake a full educational experience that prepares them for any potential career choice, while also optimizing their ability to engage in the increasingly competitive postgraduate match process. Undertaking elective experiences exclusively in a single discipline is pedagogically unsound and fails to provide students with a full exposure to potential career options. Consequently, we commit that, beginning with the Class of 2021, student elective opportunities cannot exceed a maximum of eight weeks in any single entry-level discipline. An entry-level discipline is an Entry Route in the PGY-1 (R1) match. Each of these entry-level disciplines leads to specialty certification with either the RCPSC or the CCFP. Electives in subspecialties that are part of a PGY-3 (R3) match (such as the subspecialties in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics) are counted as separate disciplines. As such, electives in these subspecialties do not count towards the 8-week maximum in the general specialty.

What is the purpose of medical school?

Produce competent graduates who are ready to start any entry-level residency program.

What is the purpose of electives?

Enable students to seek clinical experiences in a wide variety of disciplines to broaden their knowledge.

Why limit electives in any single entry-level discipline?

To ensure students undertake a full educational experience that prepares them for any potential career choice.

Certified English and/or French Translators for Medical Students

The AFMC sourced a list of skilled and certified translators for medical students to use as they fulfill their application requirements for residency program applications across Canadian Faculties of Medicine. Students needing translation services are asked to contact the firms directly with their request mentioning the AFMC special rate code. AFMC will not be involved in requests between the service provider and individual students.

Translation Firms on Standing Offer (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023)

Aroa El Horani, C. Tr. (Use special rate code: AFMC) 


Language Marketplace (Use special rate code: AFMC)
Attn: Hugo Rodas; 

Phone: 888-294-3032 ext. 235; Fax:844-283-4960


Versacom (Use special rate code: AFMC)
Laura Courrot, Project Manager


Words Without Borders Inc. (Use special rate code: AFMC)


BG Communications International Inc.


Nations Translation Group
Tel.: 613-820-4566 Fax: 613-820-3364

Toll Free: 1-888-800-6584

Entrustable Professional Actitivies

AFMC is proud of the creation of pan-Canadian Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for every Canadian medical school graduate. The AFMC EPA working group developed the EPAs as a group of core activities required prior to starting residency. These are considered necessary and need to be integrated within the body of required knowledge, skills and behaviours expected at the end of medical school. The report provides a list of 12 suggested EPAs for Undergraduate Medical Education to facilitate the transition between medical school and residency. These EPAs have been approved in principle by the Undergraduate Medical Education deans and endorsed by the Postgraduate Medical Education (PME) deans, student associations (CFMS and FMEQ) and resident associations (RDoC and FMRQ).

AFMC Addiction eLearning for Physician Wellness

AFMC, with support from the Canadian Physician Health Institute, offers a presentation series on wellness for medical students, residents, medical educators, and practicing physicians. The series provides an introspective look at addiction in the healthcare setting. The series explores effective healthcare programs, addresses barriers to wellness such as cultural norms in the workplace and highlights important strategies for early detection and prevention of addiction. Presenters offer expertise and insight on risk factors for addiction, interactions between genetic factors and life experiences, and strategies to enhance self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-reflection.

A virtual textbook on Population and Public Health concepts for clinicians

Covering the population health objectives of the Medical Council of Canada, the Primer presents a population perspective on health that is relevant to clinical practice and illustrates how concepts in critical appraisal, population and public health can be applied in clinical situations. The Population Health Primer is tailored for medical students and students in other healthcare professions, as well as for health professionals interested in broadening their knowledge.