Social Accountability:

Indigenous Health

Indigenous Health 

AFMC seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples by ensuring Canadian medical schools respond to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, by training more Indigenous health professionals and by committing to develop safe working and learning environments for Indigenous leaners, faculty and staff. 


Current Activities: 


AFMC Committee on Indigenous Health 


This Committee facilitates national collaboration among Canadian medical schools and provides support and advice to the AFMC Board on strategic and operational matters related to academic medicine and specifically Indigenous health.


Joint Commitment to Action on Indigenous Health Report 


Undertaken in 2019, the Joint Commitment to Action on Indigenous Health (JCAIH) Report provides a roadmap for concrete institutional change that will best enable Canadian medical schools to respond to the TRC Calls to Action and fulfill their social accountability mandates with respect to Indigenous health.


The 2020 update report identifies the progress made by Faculties of Medicine toward implementing the 10 recommendations outlined in the JCAIH Report, as well as the level of resources dedicated in support.


Key Resources: 



Legacy Materials: