Le Dr Joseph LeBlanc est nommé vice-président, Responsabilité sociale de l'Association des facultés de médecine du Canada

The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) is thrilled to welcome Dr. Joseph LeBlanc, PhD, as the organization’s new Vice-President, Social Accountability. Joseph is the Associate Dean, Equity and Inclusion and Assistant Professor, Indigenous Health at NOSM University, roles that he will continue to hold concurrently with his work at AFMC. He is […]
Jumelage R-1 – Entrevues virtuelles
August 26, 2024 The AFMC Board has confirmed that, going forward, interviews for the R1 Match shall continue in the virtual format. This is in keeping with previously approved motions for virtual interviews in the Medicine Subspeciality Match, Pediatric Subspeciality Match, Family Medicine and Enhanced Skills Match.
Mise à jour sur le processus d’appel d’offres pour les services de jumelage des résidents
July 18, 2024. The AFMC is moving to the next step in its tender process for resident matching services. The Tender Selection Committee has been formed and will begin meeting in August 2024 to shape the request for proposals (RFP). The Committee consists of 19 members: nine learners, four members of the AFMC Board of […]
Déclaration sur le processus d'appel d'offres pour les services de jumelage des résidents
The AFMC exists to support Canada’s Faculties of Medicine and the learners within them. The AFMC takes great pride in carrying out this mandate with care – including the important role of overseeing the system by which medical students are matched with residency positions across the country. The AFMC acknowledges how critical a high functioning […]
L’AFMC a le plaisir d’accueillir Dre Nicole Redvers à titre de nouvelle vice-présidente à la recherche
The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) is delighted to welcome Dr. Nicole Redvers as the organization’s new Vice President, Research. Dr. Redvers, ND, MPH, DPhilc, is a member of the Denı́nu Kų́ę́ First Nation (Northwest Territories) and is an Associate Professor, Western Research Chair, and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health at […]
Responding to the Opioid Crisis: An Educator’s View
Projet de Réponse de l'AFMC à la crise des opioïdes - Profils de patients
The AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis Project has worked in tandem with the University of Montreal’s Center of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public (CEPPP) and their patient subject matter experts (SMEs), to develop a Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) curricula on treating and managing substance use disorder and […]
Visit the AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis booth at ICAM
Visit the AFMC’s Response to Opioid Crisis booth at ICAM to learn more about the UGME, PGME and CPD curricula. These curricula have been developed to address gaps in medical education in pain management and opioid use disorder. These free, bilingual, online competency-based curricula can be used as a whole or can be integrated into […]
Partenariat pour lutter contre le racisme et promouvoir un système de soins de santé respectueux des réalités culturelles
The National Consortium on Indigenous Medical Education (NCIME) is a partnership between the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, the College of Family Physicians of Canada , the Medical Council of Canada and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and was formed to implement Indigenous-led work streams that will reform Indigenous medical education and contribute to the delivery of culturally safe care.
Developing a Curriculum for Addressing the Opioid Crisis: A National Collaborative Process
Abstract BACKGROUND: The burgeoning use of opioids and the lack of attention to the safe prescribing, storage, and disposal of these drugs remains a societal concern. Education plays a critical role in providing a comprehensive response to this crisis by closing the training gaps and empowering the next generation of physicians with the knowledge, skills, […]